Review of Energy Efficiency Action Plans

By order of Programa de Estudios e Investigaciones en Energía (PRIEN), Instituto de Asuntos Públicos, Universidad de Chile, Energy-Strategies realised a review of Energy Efficiency Action Plans world-wide. The review is part of the study ‘Estudio de Base para la Elaboración de un Plan Nacional de Acción de Eficiencia Energética‘, which was prepared by PRIEN for the Chilean National Energy Efficiency Programme and the Chilean Ministry of Energy.
The objective of the review was to analyse Energy Efficiency Action Plans of industrialised countries and of emerging economies that show economic characteristics and energy consumption structures similar to those of Chile, with the aim to identify plans that – as a whole or in specific elements – could serve as an example for the ‘National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010 – 2020’ of the Chilean Government.
Chile knows an emerging economy that is typified by high economic growth rates, increasing human development indexes, a strong commercial-, and services sector, an industrial sector that is characterised by energy-intensive mining and metallurgical enterprises as well as emerging industries, agro-industry and by a transport sector that is of vital importance for the country.
Also taking into consideration the maturity, ambition and effectiveness of the plans analysed in a first step, the following energy efficiency action plans, strategies and programmes were identified as references in accordance with the formerly mentioned criteria:
- The National Energy Efficiency Action Plans of the 27 Member States of the European Union;
- The National Framework for Energy Efficiency of Australia and the Energy Efficiency Action Plans of New South Wales and of South Australia;
- The New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy and Action Plan;
- California’s Long-term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan;
- The National Energy Efficiency Plan (PNEf, in elaboration) of Brazil.
Identified as ‘best practices’ that could be applied in the Chilean context, these plans were reviewed in accordance with the following aspects:
- The embedding of the action plan in the national energy policy, inter-relation with the energy sector regulation;
- Energy saving and greenhouse gas emission reduction aims, short-term and long-term objectives;
- Ambitions in terms of savings and programme implementation: visions and expectations;
- Degree of detail of the plan: strategic lines, definition of policies, programmes and instruments;
- Organisational structure, financing, public support to the programme and enforcement;
- Horizontal and/or sectorial structure of the plan?
- Regulation and/or voluntary instruments?
- The role of the market / market actors (including ESCOs);
- Residential, commercial and public sectors (buildings, installations, appliances and equipment): mandatory instruments (standards), incentives, awareness and information etc.;
- Industrial sector: mandatory and/or voluntary instruments, focus on horizontal and/or process technologies;
- Transport sector: (mix of) most effective programmes and instruments;
- Agricultural sector: programmes and instruments;
- The exemplary role of the public sector;
- Measures addressing consumer behaviour;
- Programmes and instruments for monitoring and evaluation.
The recommendations for the elaboration of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Chile include:
- To firmly embed the Plan in the national energy- and environmental policies;
- To critically assess the models of demand-side management, integrated resource planning, white certificates and tradable emissions, with regard to their compatibility with the regulatory framework of the Chilean energy sector and the usefulness and feasibility of its modification;
- To define ambitious, yet realistic, overall and sectorial energy saving objectives, on a short-, medium-, and long-term;
- To estimate, for each of the proposed programmes and measurements, its costs and benefits, the degree of required government intervention, the actors to be involved, the legal and fiscal implications and budget requirements, the compatibility with organisational structures of the public administration and the available sources of funding;
- The Plan should be developed taking into consideration a balanced focus on sectorial and horizontal strategies and activities, as well as on mandatory and voluntary instruments and incentives;
- To benefit from international experience when defining the most suitable instruments – and their combinations – for the sectorial programmes (residential, commercial, public, industrial, transport and agriculture);
- To place emphasis on consumer awareness, education and training of the citizens in general, pupils, students and professionals;
- To develop and improve instruments for monitoring and evaluation.
The ‘Estudio de Base para la Elaboración de un Plan Nacional de Acción de Eficiencia Energética‘ was submitted by PRIEN to the Chilean Ministry of Energy in September 2010.
For more information contact Ing. Paz Araya Jofré of Programa de Estudios e Investigaciones en Energía (PRIEN) or Wolfgang F. Lutz, Director of Energy Strategies.
October 2010