
Energy efficiency in the residential sector of PEEREA countries

In March 2005, the Energy Charter Secretariat commissioned Energy-Strategies to realise a study on ‘Energy Efficiency in the Residential Sector from the Perspective of the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and related Environmental Aspects – PEEREA’. The study covered the 51 signatory states of PEEREA. […]


Shaping Rural Energy Policy in a Multi-Actor Environment

Samir J. Saberi, Master student at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of the Delft University of Technology, is realising his master research project “Shaping Rural Energy Policy in a Multi-Actor Environment”, a case study on the social, economical and institutional embedment of an internationally funded renewable energy provision project in rural areas, at the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología y Normalización (INTN) in Paraguay. The research is supported by ESENERG and AES. In the following, read Samir’s article on his research. […]


Encuentro Regional sobre Normas y Etiquetado de Eficiencia Energética en Viña del Mar, Chile

No English version available.
Del 23 a 25 de junio de 2005, se reunieron en Viña del Mar, Chile, representantes de los gobiernos de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay, empresas, institutos de normalización y ONGs de la región con el objetivo de discutir la propuesta de un programa de normas y etiquetado de eficiencia energética en el Cono Sur. […]


In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Croatia

The Energy Charter Secretariat has published the “In-depth Review of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes of Croatia”, which was realised with the assistance of the director of Energy-Strategies, Wolfgang F. Lutz, in September 2004. The report provides detailed insights in the efforts of the Croatian government and other actors to promote energy efficiency in an environment of gradual energy sector reforms and preparation for accession to the European Union. […]


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