
Heidegger’s Philosophy of Technology

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On September 23, 2013, I received my B.A. degree in philosophy at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The title of my thesis is «Heideggers Philosophie der Technik: Romantizismus, Mystik oder Пοίησις?» (Heidegger’s Philosophy of Technology: Romanticism, Mysticism or Poiesis?). […]

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Auf den Spuren Martin Heideggers

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Auf dem kleinen Platz vor dem historischen Rathaus war alles für das Stadt- oder Sommerfest vorbereitet, von denen es in dieser Jahreszeit so viele in Süddeutschland gibt. Aber wo war das Messnerhaus? […]

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Die Stimme der Energie

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‘Die Stimme de Energie’ (The voice of energy) is the title of a soundtrack from the album ‘Radioactivity’ of the German electropop-group Kraftwerk. In this intriguing text, the dependence of our modern, technological society on energy is expressed by the ambiguity of servitude and mastery. […]

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Can Heidegger’s ‘romanticism’ save us?

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I am discussing in this essay , presented in the bachelor course ‘Questions on technology’ of Dr. A.W. Prins, Heidegger’s philosophy of technology in the light of Ihde’s post-phenomenlogical criticism (in German). […]

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Freezing summer

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I wrote this hermeneutic reflection on a hot summer day in Washington D.C., on the little terrace of a bed-and-breakfast, close to Dupont Circle and Kramerbooks & Afterwords, one of my favourite bookstores. Wild roses, silent walls and frozen flags – trying to understand Hölderlin. […]

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Article published in Post Scriptum, Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vol. 1, Issue 2, June 2010 (in Dutch). […]

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