Foro Nacional ‘Promoviendo la Eficiencia Energética’ en Venezuela
El día 4 de octubre 2002, el Comité Venezolano del Consejo Mondial de la Energía (World Energy Council) organisó el Foro Nacional “Promoviendo la Eficiencia Energética”. El objetivo del Foro era la presentación del Anteproyecto de Ley para Promover la Eficiencia Energética, elaborado por el Ministerio de Energía y Minas de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, en base de la cooperación inicial del Proyecto “Promoción del Uso Eficiente de la Energía en América Latina“ de CEPAL y de la Comisión Europea. […]
Leer más...Energy Efficiency Standards & Labelling in Algeria
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In the framework of a co-operation programme with the European Union, APRUE – the Algerian National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalisation of Energy Use (Agence Nationale pour la Promotion et la Rationalisation de l’Utilisation de l’Énergie) has initiated the development and implementation of energy efficiency standards & labelling for household appliances. AES assists APRUE in this important activity, which will in the first place focus on refrigerators and freezers. […]
Training agreement IRAM – AES
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On November 26, 2001, the Argentinian Standardization Institute IRAM (Instituto Argentino de Normalización) and AES signed an agreement concerning a three-months training of a young professional of IRAM at AES in the Netherlands. This agreement, which has been extended in the meantime until end of April 2002, builds on fruitful contacts between both organisations following the Second Latin American Regional Workshop on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling, hosted by IRAM in March 2001. […]
Energy Efficiency in Central & Eastern Europe
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Following the findings of the experts meeting on procedures for implementation of the “Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects” in March 1998, the Energy Charter Secretariat started a process of regular and in-depth reviews of energy efficiency policies and programmes of the signatories of the Protocol. To date, five in-depth reviews have been finalised and a sixth review will take place in April 2002. AES has been involved in four of the six reviews. […]